Breast Implant Exchange with Breast Lift

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Breast Implant Exchange With Breast Lift

A Breast Implant Exchange with Breast Lift is a combined procedure. It is the replacement of existing breast implants as well as lifting existing tissue to achieve your ideal body goals. While most patients are happy with their initial implants, they may want to change the size of the implant and improve upon the position of the breasts.

Why Should You Choose an Implant Exchange and Breast Lift?

If you are not satisfied with your initial breast implants there could be a variety of reasons a patient may consider a breast implant exchange with a breast lift. Here are just a few reasons:

  • Change in the appearance of your breast with age.
  • Patient would like to change from a textured implant to a smoother implant.
  • Patient would like to switch from a saline to silicone implant.
  • Patient could be experiencing issues with tightness and discomfort in the chest cavity due to a capsular contracture.
  • The patient may need a breast lift to address ptosis because of pregnancy, menopause, age, or a change in weight.

However, breast implants do not last forever. Assuming you are happy with your implants and experience no complications. Most patients can get at least 15 years out of your initial set of implants.

Complications that can arise from having a Breast Augmentation include:

  • Swelling
  • Rupture of the implants
  • Harding around the initial capsule.
  • Asymmetry

What Does Recovery Look Like For This Procedure?

Patients can usually return to work 7 to 14 days post-op based on your surgeon’s recommendation. Like all surgeries, you should avoid extreme exercise and housework for up to 3 weeks. You will see bruising start to subside after 2 weeks, and swelling should also start to reduce within 3 weeks post-op. Common side effects you can experience include bruising and swelling. This is why you may receive a compression bra, and drains to help the healing process move a little quicker.

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For more information reach out at (719) 633-5255 or schedule your Complimentary Consultation with Dr. Geers!