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Eliminate under eye bags

Blepharoplasty Upper-Plastic Surgery Flying Horse Medical Center

Eliminate under eye bags

Blepharoplasty Upper-Plastic Surgery Flying Horse Medical Center

Millicent Odunze Geers, MD, MPH

“You look tired.”
“Did you get enough sleep?”
“Did you stay up late?”

Have you heard these comments or questions even when you’ve had consistent sound sleep? There’s a solution to this issue. Keep reading!

Bags under your eyes are common with aging.

As you age, the tissues around your eyes, including some of the muscles supporting your lower eyelids, weaken. With the weakening of this muscle support, the normal fat that helps support the eyeball moves outward into the lower eyelids, causing the lower eyelids to appear puffy. This is called fat herniation. Some of you in your 20s and 30s may have bulging fat of the lower eyes due to genetics.Cool compresses, reducing salt intake, hemorrhoid creams, caffeine, and allergy medication will not get rid of lower eyelid bags caused by bulging fat. These treatments can temporarily shrink lower lids that are swollen from fluid pooled in the under eye area, but they will not treat lower eyelid bulging caused by fat herniation. Weight loss will not resolve this issue either.

So what’s the solution to bulging eyelid fat?

Removal of this fat with a procedure called a Lower Blepharoplasty (pronounced BLEFF-uh-row-PLAS-tee), also known as a Lower Eyelid Lift. To access the fat of the lower eyelid, an incision is made either directly under the lower eyelashes or on the inside of the eyelid. The procedure can be done with you awake and comfortable under local anesthesia. Expect some bruising and swelling that can be tempered with consistent use of cool compresses.

In most cases, a lower eyelid lift gets rid of under-eye bags for life. It’s rare to need additional touch-ups. Lower Blepharoplasty can be performed safely and comfortably with only local anesthesia in our Flying Horse Medical Center office! There’s no need for general anesthesia.

Call today to schedule your complimentary consultation with Monument Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Millicent Geers.

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New Cancers Reported in Breast Implant Patients

Embloc Breast Implant Removal - Plastic Surgery Flying Horse Medical Center

New Cancers Reported in Breast Implant Patients

Embloc Breast Implant Removal - Plastic Surgery Flying Horse Medical Center

Millicent Odunze Geers, MD, MPH

On September 8, 2022, the FDA published a Safety Communication of new cancers reported in breast implant patients, specifically cancer in the scar tissue (capsule) that forms around breast implants. These new cancers are squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)–now known as Breast Implant-Associated Squamous Cell Carcinoma (BIA-SCC)– and lymphoma. It is important to note that FDA has not stated the there is a direct correlation or causative relationship, simply that the FDA is aware of  less than 20 cases of SCC and less than 30 cases of various lymphomas in the capsules of patients with breast implants. There is no incident rate (risk of occurrence) to report and the FDA believes the occurrences of SCC or various lymphomas in the capsule around the breast implant may be rare.

Are these new cancers reported in breast implant patients a type of breast cancer?

No. The SCC and lymphomas reported are not a cancer of the breast tissue, but of the capsule surrounding the implant. Capsule formation is a normal phenomena that occurs with breast implants. BIA-SCC is not a cancer of the breast tissue itself.

Are the new lymphomas reported the same thing as the already known entity of Breast Implant Associated Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL)? 

No. The various lymphomas reported are not the same as the lymphoma described in previous FDA Communications.

What are the signs and symptoms of these new cancers in the capsule around the breast implants?

Some of the reported signs and symptoms included swelling, pain, lumps, and/or skin changes.

What are the risk factors for BIA-SCC and the various lymphomas?

There are so few reported cases of BIA-SCC and the various lymphomas that it is not possible to determine what factors increase patient risk.

For these new cancers in the capsule around the breast implants, does the type of outer shell matter (smooth versus textured)?

The outer shell of a breast implant is either smooth or textured. The already known Breast Implant Associated Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) is currently associated only with textured implants. The new cancers of the breast implant capsule have been found in patients with either smooth or textured outer shells.

For these new cancers in the capsule around the breast implants, does the implant fill matter (saline versus silicone)? 

The new cancers of the breast implant capsule have been found in patients with either saline-filled or silicone-filled implants. 

Is there a specific implant brand associated with these new breast implant associated cancers?

No. There is no particular breast implant brand associated with these new breast implant associated cancers.

Is there a particular age range affected by BIA-SCC and the various lymphomas?

The average age of presentation for these cancer is age 55.8 years. The cancer have been found in patients as young as 40 up to age 81.

How long after breast augmentation with implants are the new cancers appearing?

In some cases, people were diagnosed after years of having breast implants. The average length of time after initial implantation is 22.74 years. The range is 11-40 years after implantation.

Should I cancel my Breast Augmentation with Implants surgery?

The incident rate (your risk) of you getting a cancer of the breast implant capsule is not known at this time. Currently, we know that SCC or lymphoma of the breast implant capsule is a rare finding. Millions of women have had breast augmentation with implants and thus far a total of less than 50 new cancer cases have been reported. The amount of risk you are willing to accept is a personal decision.

I currently have breast implants. Do I need to get them removed?

If you do not have symptoms, the FDA does not recommend the removal of your breast implants. However, the amount of risk you are willing to accept is a personal decision. Please see below for additional recommendations.

I currently have breast implants. What should I do?

If you currently have breast implants, do not panic. I know—easier said than done. Follow the recommendations below:

  • Continue routine breast cancer screening with mammograms and/or MRIs.
  • If you have silicone-filled implants, continue routine screening for implant rupture (every 5-6 years).
  • If you have breast implants, you do not need to change your routine medical care or follow-up.
  • Educate yourself. Be aware that cases of SCC and various lymphomas in the capsule around the breast implant have been reported and monitor your breasts for any of the signs or symptoms mentioned above.
  • If you notice any abnormal changes in your breasts or implants, promptly talk to your Breast Surgeon, Plastic Surgeon, or Primary Care Physician.
  • If you do not have symptoms, the FDA does not recommend the removal of breast implants because of this safety communication.
  • If you have breast implants and experience a problem, the FDA encourages you to file a report through MedWatch, the FDA Safety Information and Adverse Event Reporting program. Your report, along with information from other sources, can provide information that will help improve patient safety.

What is the FDA doing to find more information about these new cancers of the breast implant capsule?

The FDA will continue to gather and review all available data from medical device reports (MDRs), mandated postmarket studies, published literature, and real-world data from registries and claims databases sources to evaluate the occurrence of these cancers in the capsule around breast implants.

My Final Thoughts

I will be monitoring this emerging issue of new cancers (BIA-SCC and lymphomas) reported in breast implant patients and posting new data to this Plastic Surgery blog and my Instagram account as more information is learned. For now, don’t panic and learn as much as you can so that you can make an informed decision about your next steps. 

Carry on smartly.

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Awake Liposuction in Colorado Springs

Liposuction-Plastic Surgery Flying Horse Medical Center Blog

Awake Liposuction in Colorado Springs

Liposuction-Plastic Surgery Flying Horse Medical Center Blog

Millicent Odunze Geers, MD, MPH

If you are considering having Liposuction in Colorado Springs or Liposuction in Monument, Colorado to achieve your body contouring goals, you have probably heard of the term “Awake Liposuction.” Awake Liposuction in Colorado Springs is an excellent alternative for people for whom the thought of being “put under” for a surgical procedure is anxiety-inducing. Even if the thought of general anesthesia does not induce anxiety, there are many advantages to having your liposuction completed with local anesthesia versus general anesthesia. You can read more about those advantages here.

That said, there are some naysayers when it comes to the Awake Liposuction procedure. Why? Most of the opposition to Awake Liposuction boils down to who, specifically the type of doctor, is performing your Awake Liposuction procedure. The majority of issues and complications that plague Awake Liposuction are due to the fact that non-Plastic Surgeons (Obstetricians, Gynecologists, Family Medicine Physicians, Emergency Room Physicians, Radiologists, and other non-Plastic Surgeons) are performing the procedure, and are not due to the fact that the Liposuction is being done while you are awake. Let’s dig deeper.

Choose a Plastic Surgeon over a Cosmetic Surgeon

Plastic Surgeons are the only type of surgeons allowed to perform cosmetic plastic surgery procedures in hospitals or certified surgery centers, unfortunately, they are not the only type of surgeons allowed to perform liposuction (or breast augmentation, or other cosmetic plastic surgery procedures)!

Plastic Surgeons

Bona fide Plastic Surgeons have trained for a minimum of five years to become a Plastic Surgeon. Colorado Springs Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Millicent Geers, completed a 7-year Plastic Surgery Residency and then elected to augment her reconstructive and cosmetic plastic surgery training with a purely cosmetic surgery-focused yearlong Advanced Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Fellowship in Beverly Hills, CA. Plastic Surgeons are the only type of surgeons allowed to perform all cosmetic plastic surgery procedures in hospitals or certified surgery centers. Let’s repeat — Plastic Surgeons are the only type of surgeons allowed to perform all cosmetic plastic surgery procedures in hospitals or certified surgery centers. This means that Plastic Surgeon Dr. Geers can perform your liposuction procedure at a hospital or at an accredited surgery center if you prefer general anesthesia or at her office-based surgery room at Flying Horse Medical Center if you prefer Awake Liposuction. Both options are safe and will provide you with successful results. With Dr. Geers, the location of your liposuction procedure depends on your preference and your disposition toward being awake during surgery.

Cosmetic Surgeons

Obstetricians, Gynecologists, Family Medicine Physicians, Emergency Room Physicians, Radiologists, and other non-Plastic Surgeons are allowed to perform liposuction. How? These physicians pay for a weekend-course in liposuction (or breast augmentation, etc.), label themselves “Cosmetic Surgeons,” and then start performing cosmetic procedures without the training of what do when complications arise or the experience of performing hundreds of liposuction procedures supervised before going out and performing liposuction solo.  Liposuction is not simply sucking out fat. There are nuances. A weekend-course is no substitute for years of surgical training in not only what to do and but also (and perhaps more importantly) what not to do. And because non-Plastic Surgeons cannot get privileges or credentials to perform Plastic Surgery procedures in a hospital or a certified surgery center, they have no choice but to perform cosmetic procedures in their office—awake. And this is how Awake Liposuction gets a bad rep—when it is assumed that those offering Awake Liposuction are non-Plastic Surgeons since non-Plastic Surgeons can not offer you Liposuction at a hospital or surgery center. 

Awake Plastic Surgery Specialist – Dr. Millicent Geers

There are a select number of fully-trained, highly-experienced Plastic Surgeons, like Dr. Geers, who specialize in Awake Surgery, including Awake Liposuction. Why wouldn’t all Plastic Surgeons want to perform Awake Liposuction? Some don’t like talking to patients during surgery. Some think an awake patient is distracting. But most frequently, many more simply weren’t trained in how to perform awake Cosmetic Plastic Surgery, and therefore they don’t offer that alternative to their patients. Dr. Geers was trained in Awake Surgery. Dr. Geers offers Awake Liposuction to ensure that her patients have options when it comes to they type of anesthesia they want with liposuction. In fact, the majority of Dr. Geers’ procedures are carried out with her “awake technique,” allowing you to avoid the risks of general anesthesia. 

Schedule your Consultation

If you are interested in having a fat-reduction operation that does not involve the risks of general anesthesia, Awake Liposuction with Dr. Geers may be the perfect choice for you. Call Flying Horse Medical Center at 719-633-5255 to schedule a free, no pressure Plastic Surgery consultation with Colorado Springs female plastic surgeon, Dr. Millicent Geers. Dr. Geers enjoys educating patients about Plastic Surgery so that they can make a truly informed decision about how to proceed. Dr. Geers had helped countless people achieve the safe, natural, successful results they desire. 100% silicone scar gel, compression garments, healing supplements, and all postoperative appointments are all included with your liposuction surgery.  Additionally, Dr. Geers and her team provide written, detailed before and after surgery instructions to help you best prepare for your surgery and to best take care of your treated areas after surgery. Dr. Geers’ patients receive her undivided attention with personalized care from start to finish. Contact Flying Horse Medical Center today for top-rated Liposuction in Colorado Springs and Monument, CO. The best liposuction results in Colorado Springs and Monument, CO are just a phone call away!

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FUPA Liposuction in Colorado Springs

FUPA Pubic Lift

FUPA Liposuction in Colorado Springs

FUPA Pubic Lift

Millicent Odunze Geers, MD, MPH

What is a FUPA?

FUPA is an acronym for Fatty Upper Pubic urea. (Though some people substitute the word “pubic” for another P-word)! A FUPA occurs when you have extra fat on your mons pubis (a.k.a pubic area). The mons pubis is the area where your pubic hair grows. Childbirth, aging, excess weight, and genetics can all contribute to extra fat in this area. Fat can also accumulate here after an abdominal surgery, like a C-section. FUPA Liposuction in Colorado Springs, also known as FUPA Surgery, is the solution for a “chubby” pubic area. If you are self-conscious about your pubic area when wearing fitted clothes, leggings, workout pants, lingerie, or a swimsuit, then FUPA Liposuction may be the right fit for you!

FUPAs are actually really, really common. Often FUPAs are hidden by an overhanging tummy. Many women don’t even notice their FUPA until they lose abdominal weight. But because no one wants to talk about having a chubby pubic area, many women might keep their concerns to themselves.

Is it normal to have a FUPA?

Having a FUPA is nothing to be embarrassed about. For many people, having a layer of fat over their upper pubic area is a natural part of their body shape. Like any other area of the body with fat, a FUPA may fluctuate with weight loss and gain. And like any other area of your body with extra fat, liposuction can be used to reduce FUPA volume—if your FUPA makes you self-conscious. Unfortunately, there are no spot-reduction exercises for FUPAs.

How do you get rid of a FUPA?

The FUPA is one of the easiest areas on the entire body to treat with Liposuction. In less than 1 hour, the extra fat making you self-conscious in leggings, tight jeans, underwear, and bikini bottoms can be significantly reduced. This can be done with usually only two tiny incisions. FUPA liposuction can be safely performed while you are awake and comfortable under local anesthesia. Awake Liposuction avoids the risks and recovery associated with general anesthesia. There is no need to recover from surgery AND anesthesia for FUPA liposuction. Colorado Springs Plastic Surgeon Dr. Millicent Geers is one of the few Plastic Surgeons who has had specialized training for Awake Plastic Surgery.
So, what are you waiting for??? 

Where can I go for FUPA Liposuction?

Call Flying Horse Medical Center at 719-633-5255 to schedule a complimentary, no pressure Plastic Surgery consultation with Colorado Springs female plastic surgeon, Dr. Millicent Geers. Dr. Geers is a great resource for learning about all kinds of plastic surgery procedures. She has helped countless people achieve the safe, natural, successful results they want. Additionally, Dr. Geers and her team provide detailed before and after surgery instructions to help you best prepare for your surgery and to help you best take care of your treated areas at home to achieve the best result. Silicone scar gel, a compression garment, healing supplements, and all preoperative and postoperative appointments are all part of your all-inclusive plastic surgery package. Contact Dr. Geers today for top-rated Liposuction in Colorado Springs! The best Liposuction results in Colorado Springs are just a phone call away.

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Best Fat Reduction Treatment in Colorado Springs?

Fat Reduction

Best Fat Reduction Treatment in Colorado Springs?

Fat Reduction

Millicent Odunze Geers, MD, MPH

What is the best fat reduction treatment in Colorado Springs, CoolSculpting or Liposuction? The answer depends on your needs.

Best Fat Reduction Treatment: CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting is technically known as cryolipolysis (pronounced CRY-o-lie-PAW-luh-sis). This is a non-surgical method to reduce fat. The results are not immediate. It takes up to 3-4 months to begin to see the results. Also, you may need more than one session to treat one area to achieve the best results. So if you’re trying to save money, you may end up paying more than if you just had liposuction from the get-go. Cryolipolysis can reduce your fat layer by up to 20-25% (which is only 1/4 to 1/2 of what liposuction can do)! If you’re looking for treatment of small, focal fat pockets, cryolipolyis may be the solution for you.

Best Fat Reduction Treatment: Liposuction

Liposuction is a surgical procedure. The results are immediate. Liposuction reduces your fat layer anywhere from 50-80%. Technically, liposuction can reduce your fat layer by 100%, but that would NOT look good. The only places on the body that look good with minimal to no fat between the skin and your underlying muscle are the top of your hands, the top of your feet, and your forehead. A thin layer of fat provides a soft, natural look, even with athletic physiques. So, if you’re looking for more fat removal in a single session and over a larger percentage of your body, liposuction is the way to go.

Meet Dr. Millicent Geers

Dr. Millicent Geers is a highly experienced Colorado Springs Plastic Surgeon who has performed thousands of liposuction procedures on patients who are awake and comfortable. Dr. Geers is one of the only Plastic Surgeons in Colorado Springs offering Awake Liposuction. With Awake Liposuction there will be no general anesthesia, only local anesthesia. Local anesthesia consists of a special numbing solution called “tumescent” or “wetting solution.” This numbing solution is used to make your liposuction procedure pain-free. Additionally, Dr. Geers and her team will employ a variety of techniques to keep you relaxed and comfortable during your procedure while you are completely awake and in control of your senses. If you prefer, however, Dr. Geers can also perform your Colorado Springs liposuction under general anesthesia. During your consultation, Dr. Geers will help you decide which type of anesthesia is best for you. Furthermore, Dr. Geers is one of the few Plastic Surgeons in Colorado Springs offering VASER Liposuction also known as VASERLipo. VASER Liposuction allows for easier and more precise fat removal. VASERLipo can also tighten loose skin.

Schedule for Complimentary Consultation

Call Flying Horse Medical Center at 719-633-5255 to schedule a complimentary, no pressure Plastic Surgery consultation with Colorado Springs female plastic surgeon, Dr. Millicent Geers. Dr. Geers is a great resource for learning about all kinds of plastic surgery procedures. Dr. Geers had helped countless people achieve the safe, natural, successful results they want. If Liposuction is the best fat reduction in Colorado Springs for you, Dr. Geers and her team will provide detailed before and after surgery instructions to help you best prepare for your surgery and to help you best take care of your treated Liposuction areas at home. Silicone scar gel, a compression garment, healing supplements, and all preoperative and postoperative appointments are all part of your surgical package. Dr. Geers’ patients receive her undivided attention with personalized care from start to finish. Contact Flying Horse Medical Center today for top-rated Liposuction in Colorado Springs! The best liposuction results in Colorado Springs are just a phone call away.

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Natural Breast Augmentation in Colorado Springs

Breast Augmentation-Plastic Surgery Flying Horse Medical Center

Natural Breast Augmentation in Colorado Springs

Breast Augmentation-Plastic Surgery Flying Horse Medical Center

Natural Breast Augmentation in Colorado Springs is known by many names–Natural Breast Enhancement, Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation, Fat Transfer to the Breasts, Breast Augmentation with Fat, or No Implant Breast Augmentation. Dr. Millicent Geers, is one of the few Plastic Surgeons in the area who performs Natural Breast Augmentation in Colorado Springs. So what exactly makes a breast augmentation “natural”?

First, let’s distinguish between a “natural-looking” breast augmentation and “natural” breast augmentation. Both Breast Augmentation with Implants and Breast Augmentation using your own fat can be “natural-looking.” You can see examples of Dr. Geers’ natural-looking breast augmentation results here. Natural Breast Augmentation is a cosmetic surgery procedure that does not use breast implants to enhance breast size. Instead, it uses fat that is liposuctioned from other areas of your body which is then injected into the breast (through tiny incisions) to increase volume and fullness. Dr. Geers is highly skilled in both liposuction and No Implant Breast Augmentation.

Why would some women elect to have No Implant Breast Augmentation as opposed to Breast Augmentation with Implants? Breast implants are associated with certain complications and risks, like rupture or capsular contracture. For some women with implants, Breast Implant Illness (BII) may become an issue. And yet for other women, they don’t like the idea of having foreign objects or unnatural substances in their body. This is why many women are opting for No Implant Breast Augmentation using their own fat instead of implants.

It is important to note there are limitations to Natural Breast Enhancement. Using your own fat for breast augmentation does not produce the same results as breast implants. The injected fat settles into the breast tissue naturally and will not create a perfectly round shape. The overall natural shape of your breast remains essentially the same, just fuller. Additionally, Natural Breast Augmentation usually adds only about one cup size, though there are exceptions. Dr. Geers has achieved two-cup size increases for her patients from Natural Breast Augmentation.

Natural Breast Augmentation can be performed safely while you’re awake and comfortable under local anesthesia. Awake Natural Breast Augmentation allows you to shift positions during treatment to ensure balanced results and you also avoid the risks and recovery associated with general anesthesia. However, if you prefer, Dr. Geers can also perform your Natural Breast Enhancement under general anesthesia. Dr. Geers specializes in Plastic Surgery procedures for women hoping to address cosmetic concerns that can happen as a result of weight fluctuations or pregnancy, including Natural Breast Augmentation and Liposuction.

If you decide that No Implant Breast Augmentation in Colorado Springs is the best breast enlargement path for you, call Flying Horse Medical Center at 719-633-5255 to schedule a free, no pressure Plastic Surgery consultation with Colorado Springs female Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Millicent Geers. Dr. Geers had helped countless people achieve the safe, natural, successful results they desire. 100% silicone scar gel, a compression garment, a surgical bra, healing supplements, and all postoperative appointments are all included with your Natural Breast Enhancement surgery. Additionally, Dr. Geers and her team provide written, detailed before and after surgery instructions to help you best prepare for your surgery and to best take care of your treated areas after surgery. Dr. Geers’ patients receive her undivided attention with personalized care from start to finish. She enjoys educating patients about plastics surgery so that they can make a truly informed decision about how to proceed. Contact Flying Horse Medical Center today for top-rated Breast Augmentation in Colorado Springs. The best breast enhancement results in Colorado Springs are just a phone call away!

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How to Get the Best Liposuction Results in Colorado Springs

Liposuction-Plastic Surgery Flying Horse Medical Center Blog

How to Get the Best Liposuction Results in Colorado Springs

Liposuction-Plastic Surgery Flying Horse Medical Center Blog

Liposuction is not simply the process of eliminating as much fat as possible from your body. A vital component to getting the best liposuction results in Colorado Springs is knowing when to stop removing fat from an area. Sculpting the body through liposuction involves eliminating just the right amount of excess fat. This requires artistic acumen as well as surgical experience. Too much fat removal looks unsightly and unnatural. There are only a few areas on your body where minimal to no fat actually looks good (and normal). Do you know which areas these are? These areas are the back of your hands, the top of your feet, and your forehead. Even for people with low body fat (note it’s not “zero” body fat), there is some fat. Some fat is good, zero is not. So, no, Dr. Geers will not, “Take it all out!” — no matter how much you ask!

Additionally, for those of you with loose skin in the same areas that you have excess fat, Colorado Springs VASER Liposuction may be able to tighten your skin and avoid the long incisions involved with loose skin removal. Dr. Millicent Odunze Geers has more than a decade experience using VASER Liposuction to sculpt beautiful physiques. What exactly is VASER Liposuction? VASER Liposuction involves that combines ultrasound technology with liposuction to help break up your fat cells and loosen them from the surrounding tissue. This allows the fat to be removed more effectively with less trauma to your body.

Not every plastic surgeon is skilled at VASER Liposuction. Dr. Geers received specialized training for VASER Liposuction in addition to other types of liposuction techniques. Patients have traveled from afar for Dr. Geers’ precise execution and vast liposuction experience.

Dr. Geers has performed thousands of liposuction procedures. She delivers natural liposuction transformations that keep people guessing. Obtaining the best liposuction Colorado Springs can provide depends on choosing a plastic surgeon who possesses both surgical skill and aesthetic taste. Dr. Geers possesses both.

To discuss the natural-looking liposuction transformation you would like to achieve, call Flying Horse Medical Center at 719-633-5255 to schedule a complimentary, no pressure Plastic Surgery consultation with Colorado Springs female plastic surgeon, Dr. Millicent Odunze Geers. Dr. Geers enjoys educating patients about Plastic Surgery so that they can make a truly informed decision about how to proceed. Dr. Geers had helped countless people achieve the safe, natural, successful results they desire. 100% silicone scar gel, a compression garment, healing supplements, and all postoperative appointments are all included with your liposuction surgery.  Additionally, Dr. Geers and her team provide written, detailed before and after surgery instructions to help you best prepare for your surgery and to best take care of your treated areas after surgery. Dr. Geers’ patients receive her undivided attention with personalized care from start to finish. Contact Flying Horse Medical Center today for top-rated Liposuction in Colorado Springs. The best liposuction results in Colorado Springs are just a phone call away!

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The Benefits of Choosing a Female Plastic Surgeon

About our team-Dr. Millicent Geers, Plastic Surgeon-Flying Horse Medical Center

The Benefits of Choosing a Female Plastic Surgeon

About our team-Dr. Millicent Geers, Plastic Surgeon-Flying Horse Medical Center

Are you aware of the benefits of choosing a female plastic surgeon? If not, keep reading to learn about these benefits and to learn more about Dr. Millicent Odunze Geers!

Firstly, did you know only 10-15% of plastic surgeons are women but that 90% of plastic surgery patients are women?

A female patient recently asked Dr. Millicent Odunze Geers why this was so. The patient was frustrated at how few female plastic surgeons there are when the majority of patients are women.

Both male and female plastic surgeons can deliver beautiful, natural plastic surgery transformations. And Dr. Geers firmly believes that surgical skill trumps sex or gender when it comes to selecting a plastic surgeon.

That said, while male plastic surgeons are qualified to perform surgery, they will never be able to experience what it’s like to need a breast augmentation or breast lift surgery. Nor will they understand what it’s like to carry another human being in utero for 40 weeks (for Dr. Geers it was 40 weeks and 5 days) or to breastfeed (Dr. Geers did that for nearly 4 years), and then live with the postpartum changes that occur to a woman’s body. Shared experiences deepen understanding and empathy. No man will ever understand why a perineal irrigation bottle (peri bottle for short) or “MomWasher” becomes your best friend in that first week after a vaginal delivery! That’s one time when feeling the burn is not a welcome experience.

As a female plastic surgeon, Dr. Geers personally understands the roles hormones, gravity, and childbearing play throughout a woman’s life. Dr. Geers shares the same concerns as some of you women may have and can relate to the changes you’d like to see in your breasts and body. Shared life experiences is just one of the benefits of choosing a female plastic surgeon.

To discuss the natural-looking plastic surgery transformations you would like to experience, call Flying Horse Medical Center at 719-633-5255 to schedule a complimentary, no pressure plastic surgery consultation with Colorado Springs female plastic surgeon, Dr. Millicent Geers.

Dr. Geers had helped countless women achieve the safe, natural, successful results they desire. 100% silicone scar gel, a compression garment, healing supplements, and all preoperative and postoperative appointments are included with your plastic surgery at Flying Horse Medical Center. Additionally, Dr. Geers and her team provide written, detailed before and after surgery instructions to help you best prepare for your surgery and to best take care of your treated areas after surgery. Dr. Geers’ patients receive her undivided attention with personalized care from start to finish. She enjoys educating patients about plastics surgery so that they can make a truly informed decision about how to proceed. Contact Flying Horse Medical Center today to begin your body contouring transformation. The new you is just a phone call away!

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Can Fat Be Transferred From One Person To Another?

Fat Transfer -Flying Horse Medical Center Blog

Can Fat Be Transferred From One Person To Another?

Fat Transfer -Flying Horse Medical Center Blog

Millicent Odunze Geers, MD, MPH

Can You Transfer Your Fat From Part of Your Body To Another?

Body fat can be transferred from one part of your body to another part of your body for many reasons. For example, fat can be taken from your belly and then transferred to enhance the contour of your buttocks for a Colorado Springs Brazilian Butt Lift or your breasts for Natural Breast Augmentation. Or this fat can be injected into the back of your hands to smoothen wrinkles and cover up veins. Or this fat can be used to replace the fat in your face that has been lost with aging. But can fat be transferred from one person to another?  Keep reading to find out.

Can You Transfer Your Fat From One Person To Another?

Is it possible to transfer fat between people?

People often believe the misconception that fat can be transferred from one person to another in the same way an organ is transplanted from one person to another. Unfortunately, even if you are related to a person and share some DNA, your body will not recognize their fat as your own. Your body’s natural defense mechanism will reject this fat as a foreign object. The fat cells will die and you’ll become sick.

The one exception to this rule is—can you guess?—monozygotic (identical) twins. Because identical twins share the exact same DNA (matched in all loci studied in genetic testing), they won’t reject each others fat! Fat transfer between twins has been documented in the medical literature.

Technically speaking, fat transfer between non-identical people could be performed, BUT rejection of the donor fat by the recipient would be a problem. The only way around this would be for the recipient to take immunosuppression medications. These medications decrease the immune response to prevent rejection of the new material from another human being. However, immunosuppressants come with serious side effects and increase the potential for all types of cancers. In other words, NOT WORTH THE RISK. For practical purposes, it’s not possible to transfer fat between non-identical people.

Recycle Your Fat!

If you’re ready to get rid of some of your unwanted fat and to possibly use that fat to enhance your breasts, butt, face, or hands, call us at (719) 633-5255 to schedule a complimentary, no pressure consultation with Dr. Millicent Geers at Flying Horse Medical Center today!  Dr. Geers is a great resource for learning about all kinds of plastic surgery procedures. Dr. Geers had helped countless people achieve the safe, natural, successful results they want. Additionally, Dr. Geers and her team provide detailed before and after surgery instructions to help you best prepare for your surgery and to help you best take care of your treated areas at home. Silicone scar gel, a compression garment, healing supplements, and all preoperative and postoperative appointments are all part of your surgical package. Your body transformation is just a phone call away. We’ll help you look lucky, not done!

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Are you “well-rounded”?

Brazilian Butt Lift- Plastic Surgery Flying Horse Medical Center

Are you “well-rounded”?

Brazilian Butt Lift- Plastic Surgery Flying Horse Medical Center

By Millicent Odunze Geers, MD, MPH

Are you “well-rounded”? Specifically, is everything in your life pretty much in shape, except for your buttocks? Removing fat from areas where you don’t want it (abdomen, love handles, back, sacrum) and adding that fat to your buttocks can round out your shape, taking you from flab to fab. The procedure is known as a Brazilian Butt Lift or BBL. The medical terminology for this butt-enhancing surgery is “Fat Transfer to the Buttocks” or “Gluteal Augmentation.”

There’s a misconception that a BBL has to look fake, exaggerated, or overdone. This is simply not true. The best work is undetectable. Natural-looking results follow Dr. Geers’ Plastic Surgery philosophy — “Look Lucky, Not Done.”

Under local anesthesia, you can undergo the Brazilian Butt Lift while you are awake and comfortable. General Anesthesia is NOT necessary. Therefore, a Colorado Springs Brazilian Butt Lift enhances your backside in a way that is natural and proportionate to the rest of your body. Therefore, no need to worry about looking like a caricature of yourself or an overinflated reality TV celebrity. A natural butt lift surgery is mean to look “natural.”

Brazilian Butt Lift

One key to a great Brazilian Butt Lift experience is to make sure you’re not going to a plastic surgery mill. A plastic surgery mill is a type of plastic surgery practice where the practice squeezes in as many surgeries as possible in a day to maximize profits. In addition, finding a Brazilian Butt Lift Plastic Surgeon who is focused on you and only you is important. As a result, you want a quality doctor with a good reputation.

Dr. Geers has performed hundreds of liposuction and fat transfer butt lift procedures.With this in mind, as an expert in both liposuction and fat transfer, Dr. Geers’ goal is to give you a natural result that will keep people guessing. For a calm, not rushed, natural-looking BBL surgery tailored just for you, schedule your consultation with Dr. Geers today!

If you’re ready to learn more about BBLs, contact our Monument office, or call us at (719)633-5255 to schedule a FREE consultation with Dr. Geers at Flying Horse Medical Center today! We can help you look lucky, not done! We would love to help you feel better about how you look!