Chin Liposuction Before And After Photos

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Chin Liposuction Before And After Photos

Dr. Millicent Odunze Geers is an experienced, award-winning, Harvard- and Duke-educated female Plastic Surgeon who is committed to patient safety and helping you achieve the natural-looking Chin Liposuction Lift results you’ll love (as seen in the Chin Liposuction Before and After Photos below). Dr. Geers is one of the few Colorado Springs Plastic Surgeons to offer the alternative of Chin Liposuction (also known as Submental Liposuction or Double Chin Liposuction) with the option of local anesthesia.

When it comes to sculpting a beautiful neck and jawline, Dr. Geers not only treats the area under your chin, but she also treats the jawline and neck if necessary. The beauty is in the details.

Additionally, Dr. Geers is one of the few Colorado Springs and Monument, Colorado Plastic Surgeons who is a specialist in VASERLipo. Using the VASER in conjunction with liposuction gives the added benefit of skin tightening.

Natural results require finesse and experience. The areas treated with liposuction should blend seamlessly with the areas next to them that have not had liposuction. Technique matters! Dr. Geers believes the best results are effective, yet undetectable. Natural-looking surgical transformations keep in line with her Cosmetic Plastic Surgery motto, “Look lucky, not done.”

Buffalo Hump Liposuction Colorado Springs, Monument Colorado