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FUPA Liposuction in Colorado Springs

FUPA Pubic Lift

FUPA Liposuction in Colorado Springs

FUPA Pubic Lift

Millicent Odunze Geers, MD, MPH

What is a FUPA?

FUPA is an acronym for Fatty Upper Pubic urea. (Though some people substitute the word “pubic” for another P-word)! A FUPA occurs when you have extra fat on your mons pubis (a.k.a pubic area). The mons pubis is the area where your pubic hair grows. Childbirth, aging, excess weight, and genetics can all contribute to extra fat in this area. Fat can also accumulate here after an abdominal surgery, like a C-section. FUPA Liposuction in Colorado Springs, also known as FUPA Surgery, is the solution for a “chubby” pubic area. If you are self-conscious about your pubic area when wearing fitted clothes, leggings, workout pants, lingerie, or a swimsuit, then FUPA Liposuction may be the right fit for you!

FUPAs are actually really, really common. Often FUPAs are hidden by an overhanging tummy. Many women don’t even notice their FUPA until they lose abdominal weight. But because no one wants to talk about having a chubby pubic area, many women might keep their concerns to themselves.

Is it normal to have a FUPA?

Having a FUPA is nothing to be embarrassed about. For many people, having a layer of fat over their upper pubic area is a natural part of their body shape. Like any other area of the body with fat, a FUPA may fluctuate with weight loss and gain. And like any other area of your body with extra fat, liposuction can be used to reduce FUPA volume—if your FUPA makes you self-conscious. Unfortunately, there are no spot-reduction exercises for FUPAs.

How do you get rid of a FUPA?

The FUPA is one of the easiest areas on the entire body to treat with Liposuction. In less than 1 hour, the extra fat making you self-conscious in leggings, tight jeans, underwear, and bikini bottoms can be significantly reduced. This can be done with usually only two tiny incisions. FUPA liposuction can be safely performed while you are awake and comfortable under local anesthesia. Awake Liposuction avoids the risks and recovery associated with general anesthesia. There is no need to recover from surgery AND anesthesia for FUPA liposuction. Colorado Springs Plastic Surgeon Dr. Millicent Geers is one of the few Plastic Surgeons who has had specialized training for Awake Plastic Surgery.
So, what are you waiting for??? 

Where can I go for FUPA Liposuction?

Call Flying Horse Medical Center at 719-633-5255 to schedule a complimentary, no pressure Plastic Surgery consultation with Colorado Springs female plastic surgeon, Dr. Millicent Geers. Dr. Geers is a great resource for learning about all kinds of plastic surgery procedures. She has helped countless people achieve the safe, natural, successful results they want. Additionally, Dr. Geers and her team provide detailed before and after surgery instructions to help you best prepare for your surgery and to help you best take care of your treated areas at home to achieve the best result. Silicone scar gel, a compression garment, healing supplements, and all preoperative and postoperative appointments are all part of your all-inclusive plastic surgery package. Contact Dr. Geers today for top-rated Liposuction in Colorado Springs! The best Liposuction results in Colorado Springs are just a phone call away.

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Best Fat Reduction Treatment in Colorado Springs?

Fat Reduction

Best Fat Reduction Treatment in Colorado Springs?

Fat Reduction

Millicent Odunze Geers, MD, MPH

What is the best fat reduction treatment in Colorado Springs, CoolSculpting or Liposuction? The answer depends on your needs.

Best Fat Reduction Treatment: CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting is technically known as cryolipolysis (pronounced CRY-o-lie-PAW-luh-sis). This is a non-surgical method to reduce fat. The results are not immediate. It takes up to 3-4 months to begin to see the results. Also, you may need more than one session to treat one area to achieve the best results. So if you’re trying to save money, you may end up paying more than if you just had liposuction from the get-go. Cryolipolysis can reduce your fat layer by up to 20-25% (which is only 1/4 to 1/2 of what liposuction can do)! If you’re looking for treatment of small, focal fat pockets, cryolipolyis may be the solution for you.

Best Fat Reduction Treatment: Liposuction

Liposuction is a surgical procedure. The results are immediate. Liposuction reduces your fat layer anywhere from 50-80%. Technically, liposuction can reduce your fat layer by 100%, but that would NOT look good. The only places on the body that look good with minimal to no fat between the skin and your underlying muscle are the top of your hands, the top of your feet, and your forehead. A thin layer of fat provides a soft, natural look, even with athletic physiques. So, if you’re looking for more fat removal in a single session and over a larger percentage of your body, liposuction is the way to go.

Meet Dr. Millicent Geers

Dr. Millicent Geers is a highly experienced Colorado Springs Plastic Surgeon who has performed thousands of liposuction procedures on patients who are awake and comfortable. Dr. Geers is one of the only Plastic Surgeons in Colorado Springs offering Awake Liposuction. With Awake Liposuction there will be no general anesthesia, only local anesthesia. Local anesthesia consists of a special numbing solution called “tumescent” or “wetting solution.” This numbing solution is used to make your liposuction procedure pain-free. Additionally, Dr. Geers and her team will employ a variety of techniques to keep you relaxed and comfortable during your procedure while you are completely awake and in control of your senses. If you prefer, however, Dr. Geers can also perform your Colorado Springs liposuction under general anesthesia. During your consultation, Dr. Geers will help you decide which type of anesthesia is best for you. Furthermore, Dr. Geers is one of the few Plastic Surgeons in Colorado Springs offering VASER Liposuction also known as VASERLipo. VASER Liposuction allows for easier and more precise fat removal. VASERLipo can also tighten loose skin.

Schedule for Complimentary Consultation

Call Flying Horse Medical Center at 719-633-5255 to schedule a complimentary, no pressure Plastic Surgery consultation with Colorado Springs female plastic surgeon, Dr. Millicent Geers. Dr. Geers is a great resource for learning about all kinds of plastic surgery procedures. Dr. Geers had helped countless people achieve the safe, natural, successful results they want. If Liposuction is the best fat reduction in Colorado Springs for you, Dr. Geers and her team will provide detailed before and after surgery instructions to help you best prepare for your surgery and to help you best take care of your treated Liposuction areas at home. Silicone scar gel, a compression garment, healing supplements, and all preoperative and postoperative appointments are all part of your surgical package. Dr. Geers’ patients receive her undivided attention with personalized care from start to finish. Contact Flying Horse Medical Center today for top-rated Liposuction in Colorado Springs! The best liposuction results in Colorado Springs are just a phone call away.

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How to Get the Best Liposuction Results in Colorado Springs

Liposuction-Plastic Surgery Flying Horse Medical Center Blog

How to Get the Best Liposuction Results in Colorado Springs

Liposuction-Plastic Surgery Flying Horse Medical Center Blog

Liposuction is not simply the process of eliminating as much fat as possible from your body. A vital component to getting the best liposuction results in Colorado Springs is knowing when to stop removing fat from an area. Sculpting the body through liposuction involves eliminating just the right amount of excess fat. This requires artistic acumen as well as surgical experience. Too much fat removal looks unsightly and unnatural. There are only a few areas on your body where minimal to no fat actually looks good (and normal). Do you know which areas these are? These areas are the back of your hands, the top of your feet, and your forehead. Even for people with low body fat (note it’s not “zero” body fat), there is some fat. Some fat is good, zero is not. So, no, Dr. Geers will not, “Take it all out!” — no matter how much you ask!

Additionally, for those of you with loose skin in the same areas that you have excess fat, Colorado Springs VASER Liposuction may be able to tighten your skin and avoid the long incisions involved with loose skin removal. Dr. Millicent Odunze Geers has more than a decade experience using VASER Liposuction to sculpt beautiful physiques. What exactly is VASER Liposuction? VASER Liposuction involves that combines ultrasound technology with liposuction to help break up your fat cells and loosen them from the surrounding tissue. This allows the fat to be removed more effectively with less trauma to your body.

Not every plastic surgeon is skilled at VASER Liposuction. Dr. Geers received specialized training for VASER Liposuction in addition to other types of liposuction techniques. Patients have traveled from afar for Dr. Geers’ precise execution and vast liposuction experience.

Dr. Geers has performed thousands of liposuction procedures. She delivers natural liposuction transformations that keep people guessing. Obtaining the best liposuction Colorado Springs can provide depends on choosing a plastic surgeon who possesses both surgical skill and aesthetic taste. Dr. Geers possesses both.

To discuss the natural-looking liposuction transformation you would like to achieve, call Flying Horse Medical Center at 719-633-5255 to schedule a complimentary, no pressure Plastic Surgery consultation with Colorado Springs female plastic surgeon, Dr. Millicent Odunze Geers. Dr. Geers enjoys educating patients about Plastic Surgery so that they can make a truly informed decision about how to proceed. Dr. Geers had helped countless people achieve the safe, natural, successful results they desire. 100% silicone scar gel, a compression garment, healing supplements, and all postoperative appointments are all included with your liposuction surgery.  Additionally, Dr. Geers and her team provide written, detailed before and after surgery instructions to help you best prepare for your surgery and to best take care of your treated areas after surgery. Dr. Geers’ patients receive her undivided attention with personalized care from start to finish. Contact Flying Horse Medical Center today for top-rated Liposuction in Colorado Springs. The best liposuction results in Colorado Springs are just a phone call away!

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Is Liposuction Permanent?

Liposuction-Plastic Surgery Flying Horse Medical Center Blog

Is Liposuction Permanent?

Liposuction-Plastic Surgery Flying Horse Medical Center Blog

Millicent Odunze Geers, MD, MPH

Many people want to know, “Is Liposuction permanent”? First off, what is Liposuction? Liposuction is a body contouring procedure.  Specifically, it is a surgical procedure that uses a suction technique to remove fat from specific areas of the body. The abdomen, flanks, hips, thighs, buttocks, back, arms, and chin, are all areas of the body that can be treated with liposuction. When fat is removed with Liposuction, the fat travels through a cannula, into a tube, and is collected into a container. Removing fat with this body contouring procedure results in a body contour that is smoothened and streamlined. Other names for Liposuction include Lipoplasty and Liposculpture. 

Although your fat cells are permanently removed with this procedure, it does not mean you can’t still gain weight. Unfortunately, the more weight you gain, the less effective your Liposuction results will be. That said, you’ll be better off in terms of fat volume in the treated area, than if you had never had liposuction. So is liposuction permanent? Yes, liposuction is permanent. However, you can camouflage your liposuction results with weight gain.

To maintain your results from this plastic surgery procedure, filling your body with healthy nutrients and food is key. Movement—walking, biking, stairclimber, running, jogging, elliptical, weight lifting, etc—is also crucial to maintaining your new contours. And don’t forget to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.


In summary, there’s no bypassing physiology. You can get a jump start with liposuction, but it does not provide a lifetime of immunity against weight gain like a childhood vaccination does against disease. Liposuction comes with maintenance!

Take-home message: Liposuction works as an effective treatment for a specific target area, but you should use it as a supplement to weight maintenance combined with a healthy diet and plenty of exercise. 

Are you ready for liposuction? You have two options for your liposuction procedure. You can elect to be awake, yet comfortable, under local anesthesia. Or you can be asleep and comfortable under general anesthesia in a surgery center. During your consultation, Dr Geers will help you decide which option is best for you.

So, if you’re ready to get rid of some unwanted fat and would like more information on our liposuction services, contact our Monument office, or call us at (719) 633-5255 to schedule a FREE consultation with Colorado Springs Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Millicent Geers! She’ll help you look lucky, not done!